Horchateria Rio Luna: El tiempo pasa …

Frida Kahlo inspired art

Horchateria Rio Luna is the location every selfie inspired person needs to visit to enjoy the picture-perfect backgrounds filled with Frida Kahlo images, while satisfying their antojos of horchata coffee, churros, y mucho mas.


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This modern-Latin coffee shop is filled with vivid art pieces and crafts from varies Latin vendors. Pan dulce conchas, Selena air fresheners, calaverita pins, you name it, la Horchateria has it.


The customers seem to never end, as they fill all seating areas available with families, amigos, niños, y comadres chismeando.

La línea no termina

The menu displays alternative horchata inspired bebidas, opciones de churros y concha ice-cream sandwiches donde comienzan a decir, “Cucara, macara, titere fue …” solo para elegir qué café y postre probarás.

Elegí, el Choco Mazapan Frappe (Traditionally a chocolate decaffeinated beverage, but an espresso shot was added), the Regular Concha Ice Cream Sandwich, y Drizzled Churros.



Choco Mazapan Frappe tastes of: una mezcla de mazapan con chocolate abuelita, with a delicious topping of whip cream, chocolate abuelita syrup y mazapan crumbles.

This frappe is an ice blended drink, traditionally decaffeinated, although I added the espresso shot and I am glad I did, because the coffee balanced the sweetness and created a Choco Mazapan delight.

None of the flavors in the drink overpowered each other, creating a refreshing beverage you will enjoy to the last sip, te lo recomiendo!





Horchata ice-cream delight


Regular Concha Ice Cream Sandwich/ w Chocolate Concha tastes of: pan dulce, horchata ice cream, cajeta, y nuez.

The horchata ice cream is refreshing and a wonderful combination along with the nuez and light cajeta drizzle.

Every bite indulges each layer of flavors which will cause you to do a satisfying happy dance.






Quien quiere churros?!

Y los Churrrrrros, the order comes with four cinnamon-sugar dusted churros, with   alternatives drizzled toppings of: Cajeta, Lechera, Strawberry, Guava, y Nutella. I decided to have the toppings packed separately because this precious cargo was a ToGo order.

The two sauces of choice were Nutella y Lechera which can only mean one thing, more happy dancing could be foreseen in the future after eating this precious treat.


Horchateria has been on my “must try list” for some time and as excited as I was to finally experience this location, I had intentionally held off visiting for a specific date.

June 21st represented the one year mark of my Abuelita’s passing and I wouldn’t have accomplished countless adventures with different cafecitos and sweets if it weren’t por su hermosa memoria presente en cada adventura, sus consejos motivadores en mente, and her love leading me along the way.

Visiting Horchateria with my grandmother in mind, along with my husband and daughter, observing other families and people display genuine delighted over sharing cafecitos and sweets, was exactly what my heart needed and what my Abuelita would have cherished as well.

Un año, el tiempo pasa
– Te Amo

Asi que si se te antoja un café, postre, o te encanta la mercancía Latina, take a drive over to Paramount and bring some of your loved ones along with you, porque disfrutarás esta experiencia mucho más junto a tus seres queridos.

Have you tried Horchateria Rio Luna? If so, comment below sobre tu visita.



Located: 15729 Downey Avenue

Paramount, CA 90723

Hours: Hours of operation vary

Cuesta: $$









@All photos by me

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Vivian Muller says:

    Yummmy! Love your blog! 💕💕💕


    1. Thank you Viv! It means so much to have you say that❤️


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